Enhance Your Campus Management: 10 Details Included in Your Inframappa Map

Published On: May 15th, 2024

Colleges and universities across the country are facing a growing challenge: aging infrastructure. With limited budgets and ever-increasing demands, it’s more important than ever for campus facilities managers to have a clear understanding of their physical assets.


Traditionally, this information has been stored in paper files, spreadsheets, and the memories of institutional veterans. This can lead to a number of problems, including:

  • Inaccurate data: Outdated or incorrect information can lead to costly mistakes, such as digging in the wrong place to repair a water main.
  • Difficulty collaborating: When information is siloed in different departments, it can be difficult for facilities managers to get the big picture.
  • Loss of institutional knowledge: As experienced staff retire, their knowledge of the campus infrastructure can be lost.


InfraMappa provides a solution to these challenges by creating a digital map of a college’s underground assets. This map includes a variety of data points, including:

  1. Access Points: Knowing the location of all access points on campus is essential for maintenance and security purposes. InfraMappa can map these points, including manholes, handholes, and valve boxes.
  2. Valves: Valves are used to control the flow of water, gas, and other fluids. Having a map of all the valves on campus can help facilities managers isolate problems and make repairs quickly.
  3. Fire & Water Hydrants: Fire hydrants are essential for fighting fires. InfraMappa can map the location of all the fire hydrants on campus, as well as their flow rates and water pressure.
  4. Communications: Communication lines are essential for keeping a campus connected. InfraMappa can map the location of all the communication lines on campus, including fiber optic cables, copper wires, and conduits.
  5. Electrical: Electrical lines power everything from buildings to lighting to landscaping. InfraMappa can map the location of all the electrical lines on campus, including transformers, switchgear, and underground conduit.
  6. Gas: Gas lines are used to heat buildings and power appliances. InfraMappa can map the location of all the gas lines on campus, as well as their size and pressure.
  7. Fiber Optics: Fiber optic cables are used to transmit data at high speeds. InfraMappa can map the location of all the fiber optic cables on campus, as well as their capacity and connectivity.
  8. Sewers: Sewers carry wastewater away from buildings. InfraMappa can map the location of all the sewers on campus, as well as their size and slope.
  9. Water: Water lines supply water to buildings for drinking, irrigation, and other purposes. InfraMappa can map the location of all the water lines on campus, as well as their size and pressure.
  10. Building Footprints: A map of the buildings on campus is essential for any facilities management plan. Inframappa can create a detailed map of all the buildings on campus, including their size, shape, and location.


With these 10 details included in your InfraMappa service, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your campus infrastructure. This information can be used to:

  • Improve budgeting and planning: InfraMappa can help you identify areas where your infrastructure is in need of repair or replacement. This information can be used to develop a long-term capital plan.
  • Reduce project delays: InfraMappa can help you avoid costly mistakes by providing accurate information about the location of underground assets.
  • Improve emergency response: InfraMappa can help you locate valves, shutoff points, and other critical infrastructure in the event of an emergency.
  • Enhance collaboration: InfraMappa provides a central platform for all facilities data. This can improve communication and collaboration between different departments.
  • Preserve institutional knowledge: InfraMappa can help you capture and store the knowledge of experienced staff members before they retire.


Case Studies

  • Santa Rosa Junior College: Santa Rosa Junior College used InfraMappa to improve its capital planning process. The college was able to identify areas where its infrastructure was in need of repair or replacement. This information was used to develop a long-term capital plan that will save the college money in the long run.
  • Peralta Community College District: Peralta Community College District used InfraMappa to improve the efficiency of its construction projects. The district was able to avoid costly mistakes by having accurate information about the location of underground assets. This led to reduced project delays and improved communication between different departments.
  • The San Mateo County Community College District faced significant visibility problems regarding their underground infrastructure. They relied on a patchwork of inconsistent paper plans dating back decades.  According to Sustainability Manager Joe Fullerton, this system was both inefficient and inaccurate, leading to wasted effort with constantly updating Excel spreadsheets.  They also heavily depended on the institutional knowledge of staff, which could be lost if someone left the organization. InfraMappa’s digital mapping system solved these issues by creating a centralized, digital library of all infrastructure plans.  This allows for easy access and eliminates the reliance on potentially outdated information or the memory of individual staff members. Now, Fullerton says they can quickly identify and address infrastructure needs within seconds.


InfraMappa is a valuable tool for campus facilities managers. By creating a digital map of your campus infrastructure, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your assets and make better decisions about how to manage them. Request a demo to explore how Inframappa’s tools can help your campus management system.

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