Solano Community College
Solano Community College District is a public community college in Fairfield, California. The District consists of the main Fairfield campus and two centers in Vacaville and Vallejo. The 192-acre main campus was completed in 1971, with the Vallejo Center opening in 2007 and the Vacaville Center opening in 2008. Currently, the three campuses have approximately 11,000 students taking classes in person and online. As part of their Facilities Master Planning project in 2012, and preparing for the placement of Measure Q, a $348M Facilities improvement Bond, SCCD deployed InfraMappa for its three campuses.
The Master Plan architect understood that the normal planning process would mean having an engineer gather up legacy documentation and piece together a new proposal showing the locations of existing infrastructure and calculating current capacities. They immediately saw the value of InfraMAppa in providing all of that information and much more.
With the passage of Measure Q by the voters in California, a Bond Manager was brought onboard and pre-construction planning began. The District’s Bond Manager, Leigh Sata, leveraged InfraMappa as a tool to plan for the new facilities program. Having accurate information readily available about the location, size, and age of utility assets facilitated faster more efficient planning. In addition, because InfraMappa interacts directly with AutoCAD, predesign was simplified.
Planners were able to look at alternative routing for utilities and quickly determine the length of the runs, the amount of materials needed, and the associated costs. One of the first steps in initializing a construction program is to “phase the program,” or determine the order in which various projects will be constructed.
“The InfraMappa program made the Facilities Master Planning process easier and helped us identify specific needs for upgrades to the infrastructure that would have otherwise been missed.”
—Rob Barthelman, Measure Q Facilities Master Plan Architect

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